Chilli thrips stealing the joy of growing roses

What specific products are you asking about? You can order many products from Arbico, (Amazon), Monterey Lawn and Garden, and Jung Seed websites all have different brands of Spinosad, and some carry Arber products.

Morning, here in Washington state.
You mentioned propiconazole and Manzate. I have not heard of either of them, but did find them on the Internet. Bonine makes a couple products here I can look at: Infuse is one. Mancozeb is the other one. They don’t look like they are organic, so I would only use them before spring. Spinosad I am very familiar with, and I mix it with Neem Oil. But I do believe the diseases become resistant to the same method over time.
Thanks so much!

No propiconazole and mancozeb are fungicides and not organic, unfortunately. However, using Mancozeb, spraying three times, three days apart can give you some control over the black spot pores, then you can go back to only using your organic sprays.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. I will search for it.

It rains so much here in Washington, I will probably have to wait before spraying.