Control of rose midge

Ideas on how to best control / eradicate this pest? I have tried three times a week spray with Merit and imicloprid. Just yesterday did soil drench with cyonara 9.7. Daily inspection for midge damage to new growth… Thanks. Greater Cincinnati area.

Sarah - thanks. That’s essentially what I am doing as well.

Try a soil drench with Merit/imidacloprid. My experience is Cyanora 9.7 is not listed for midge. Alternate Merit with bifenthrin.

Jim – Cyonara 9.7 IS listed for Rose Midge. The top exhibitor John Hefner from Indianapolis once had a very bad midge problem, and he penned the following article for his local rose society’s newsletter:
Rose Midge | Indianapolis Rose Society

This is the very best thing I could find on the Internet regarding Rose Midge, and it’s what led me to the Cyonara 9.7.