How do I receive a new membership card?

Hello, I am having difficulty navigating the website. I need a new membership card, is there a place to see a virtual card?

I believe you need to email the membership person at HQ. Check the front of a recent magazine for the persons name. Usually email goes by
Also, staff will return to the office Monday Jan,6 and may be backed up with email etc.

Contact Tanya at for assistance with your membership card.

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I have not received my updated membership card either. This may be a more common problem than we know about. That would be a good idea if we could print it off the ARS website. That would save some money.


We are switching membership software this spring and may be able to do that - which I agree would be cool

I have recently seen a new neat feature that would create a digital membership card that people could download to their “wallet” and that would be automatically updated as renewals occur This is being done by the American Horticulture Society. I did forward to Beth and the Executive Committee for review,

Thank you for looking out for ARS!
