Local Rose Society Closed to New Membership

My local Rose Society president and members say they are closed to new members. As a past president of my local back in Nebraska I never heard of such a thing. They told me if I wanted a local society I would need to create my own. These ladies say they meet for lunch once and awhile and I asked when and that is when they told me.
I joined a society two hours away and they are so wonderful but the distance is hard.
How do I go about creating a new society. I believe I could gather a group as I’m also a member of the local Master Gardeners.

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It sounds like the existing group is not as active in rose education as might be needed in your area. I applaud you for asking about starting another group. The first thing I would do is gather together (in person or via Zoom) as many like minded friends as possible and see what the needs are. Rose Education and “the basics” based on science is what we can offer. Contact Diane Sommers for specific assistance and the name of the Local Rose Society relations chairman.

I asked for the Local contact, there is only the Peninsula President who has closed membership and meetings. I have spoken yo the District Chairwoman and she said she asked how I can start a new Society at the ARS level and said no one has responded to her.

I just need next steps so that I fon’t step on anyone’s toes.

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I have contacted Brandy, the ARS Membership Director and asked her to reach out to you. Her email is Brandy@ars.org


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Thank you. I did reach out to her last year and she gave me the names of the local ladies that meet for lunch. Lydia Simpson and Marti Youmans are the ladies I’ve spoken with that say their group is closed to membership.

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You are welcome to become a member of Arlington Rose Foundation ( Arlington, VA), we are very active and responsive.I know that sounds far away, but we have far flung members because we do several on-line webinars and personal on -line help. People do companion shopping when they are in the area for specific events. Contact me at arfinformation@aol.com. Also, would enjoy to help you establish a new rose society that thrives. Colonial District, right?

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Thank you for the invitation. I am considering attending your Rose Show.

I would never turn away assistance in creating a new Society here in the Hampton Roads Area. I did well in Omaha and San Antonio had a vibrant society as well but I gad cancer while there and wasn’t able to help as much.

There isn’t a social media presence here and webinars would also help. I have been asked to put on presentations by several nurseries and I hope to recruit there. We have great climate and soil for growing roses here…I was knocked off my socks when my soils tests came back sandy loam!!!

Look forward to meeting you. I did join Richmond’s Society for the time being and the lovely Carol Fox our District Director is helpful and encouraging.

We’ll see what the future holds!


That’s not a rose society…that’s a lady’s club! Are they affiliated with The American Rose Society?

Yes they are listed in the ARS and in the Colonial District.

Unbelievable!! Not what ARS has in mind for local societies, I am sure. Wishing you luck in finding likeminded folks in your area. :wink:

I am also a Master Gardener and I have a few HMGs who said they’d like to join a Rose Society. I am also doing a free “Rose Class” at a local nursery…I hope to get more interest there as well. People keep sating you can’t grow roses here but this climate is far better than either Omaha or San Antonio and I had hundreds in both places. I’ll be positive and see where this takes me! I just really don’t want to step on toes.

I knew of another Rose Society that was not interested in recruiting new members and evolved away from rose education into a social club. Maybe that is the end of the spectrum for that club.

Start a new rose educational group!