Longer stems on roses

I enjoy rose arranging and need to plant some roses with long stems. Which varieties do you suggest that have long stems?

I usually use Kardinal, Black Magic, Sunny Sundays, Ring of Fire, St. Patrick, Babies Blush, Gemini, Crescendo, Mr. Caleb and several others.

Thanks Gerry! This will give me varieties to consider. Previously I mostly used minis.

Fantasy, Hot Princess, King Kong, Mohana, and Rocket all have long stems and are EXCELLENT for arrangements.

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Do either of you know where I can purchase a Sterling Rose still? They seem to be extinct.

Gerry, what rose is the blackest?

In my garden the darkest red would be Black Magic. There are a couple that may be darker, but they donā€™t grow well in AZ

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Are you asking about ā€˜Sterling Silverā€™ an older variety? That info could be in ā€œCombined Rose Listā€ 2024=but I do not have a copy. Anyone of our readers have this book?

Helloļ¼ŒI often buy rose on this websiteļ¼šhttps://roseexplosion.com/