Purchasing new roses

How do I know which roses will grow well in my garden?

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Even though you may not want to exhibit roses, attending a rose show in your area can provide insights into roses that exhibitors grow in their own garden. They typically grow roses that perform well in that area. Large distributors like Star Roses starrosesandplants.com have helpful guides on their websites to help select roses. Also the best source for this information is your local rose society and their consulting rosarians!


The AGRS website has the latest winners of roses in different regions. It is an excellent resource for new rose introductions.

Has anyone purchased the rose, Tuesday McMains from Antique Rose Emporium? I am considering it. Would love to know about your experience with this rose. TIA.

Check out the roses in your local botanical gardens - they will be growing quality plants that work in your area!

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Just ordered it. Should be coming soon. Doing a bit of rearranging of our rose garden.

Check with your local rose society Consulting Rosarians. Also, look at the ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses that rates roses on a scale of 1-10 and get a copy of Horizon Roses where top exhibitors rate roses that have been introduced in the last 5 years or newer.