Rose Arrangements from Rose Shows

I’m looking for examples of rose arrangements from past shows. I’d appreciate if you can share your own arrangements as well as pointers on challenges, what worked and what didn’t, and which category you entered. Thank you!

That is a huge question! I would like to refer you to some ARS resources on YouTube that covered rose arranging. Most of the photos were taken at ARS shows.

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Arranging from a judges perspective. You will learn a lot.

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Elena, thank you so much! I watched the first segment today and took many notes.

If anyone wants to share about their own arrangements, I still look forward to it!

Also, if you are on Facebook, look for “Rose Arrangers group”.

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Irresistible Miniature Mass Rose Arrangement


Diane, this is lovely and I so appreciate you sharing. I notice that the blooms in front are more open than those on the sides and top. Is that what judges are looking for?

Hi - thank you for the complement! Yes - the most forward looking blooms especially right in the middle should be of best exhibition stage for that particular bloom.