Rose health - this year not looking good and I need advice

these are 10 year old roses and just this year they started showing problematic signs. Very small buds then small leaves then blackened areas and the flowers were small and unhealthy looking. I repotted and trimmed them heavily and this is the result. Still problematic.

What state do you live in? Damage reminds me of chili thrips.

I am in New Orleans louisiana

Chilli thrips are in your region. Can you bring a sample of your rose cane to your State local extension service office? And you can also contact an ARS local rose society Consulting Rosarian. They can help you more accurately diagnosis this. Typically these very small thrips are easily controlled with a product containing Spinosad, and you would rotate with another insecticide. However, confirming if you do have Chilli thrips is important so you can treat your roses effectively.

Could be Rose Rosette disease. The second photo definitely looks like it. Here is a link for more info:
Rose Rosette Disease | Oklahoma State University

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Ugh, I’d does look like that could be the case. Thank you

Before you destroy any of your roses, please have someone properly diagnose the issue.

Thank you for the info. I don’t have anyone to diagnose

Texas’s A & M plant diagnostic clinic can diagnose RRD for you, for a fee, go to plant You can also email New Orleans Old Garden Rose Society at, they would be familiar with insects and diseases in your area. And you have wonderful extension services available: LSU Plant Diagnostic Center in Baton Rouge, $20 fee, call them at 225-578-4562.

Thank you for the helpful info!!