Hello, I am posting here for the first time. I am looking for some help. I know there is probably other information on the internet that may help me and I intend to do my own research after posting this but am looking for help as I have some concern that this may be time sensitive.
My mom died unexpectedly last month. She loved roses and knew all about them. Her sister sent me this Rio Samba Rose Tree today in the mail. I really want to do my best to keep it alive but I do not know anything about growing roses myself or what to do with it. So I am looking for any perspective or tips about what to do. I live in Northwest Arkansas, I’m sure that my climate has some impact on where I should plant it. My front yard faces West, back yard faces East. There are two large trees in my backyard so my front gets more sun I think. My mom had roses on both the east and west side of her house, though I’ve read that roses prefer morning sun, not sure if that is true?
If I need to put it in a pot then I could do that but can also plant it in the ground if needed. I’m not sure how much bigger it will get or if I should avoid planting it close to my house. I do have dogs but they stay in the backyard so not sure if it will harm the rose if they pee on it.
I can provide more pictures of my yard if it would help. I’m wondering where to plant it, how often to water it, how much sun it might need, fertilizer etc. I plan to learn more on my own so mostly am looking for help just with getting it planted and keeping it alive while I learn more. Any help at all I would greatly appreciate. Thank you for taking the time to view my post. I am happy to answer and questions or give more info if it would help.