Traveling with roses

I am debating with myself about the idea of bringing roses to the Rhode Island convention, from West coast to East coast via two planes. I found a very informative post Redirecting...

But my garden would not give me 100 mini and minifloras (for a “Tommy Box”, see link) ready at convention time. More like 25 stems may be ready. What other methods have you used to transport via air?

That’s a hard one. I’ve never flown with roses. In the past I would have said take them in a small cooler as a carry on but now with all the TSA rules you can’t have the water that they would be in. Will be following.

I have flown many times with a cooler that was checked just like luggage. Most important to protect the roses and pack it tight. I often will dry wrap roses when using this method and place them in plastic containers so they are not damaged if things move around. You will want to tape it well around outside (use packing tape) but NOT until after you go through security. I just share with them what I am doing and they will scan it and let me secure it. Also - pack some large zip lock bags so that you can fill them with ice at the hotel to keep the cooler cold while waiting for the show. I do have a Tommy Box which works very well - but you are right it is a bit big if you don’t have a lot of blooms. But if you are bringing line material etc for an arrangement you need the room :). I have also drywrapped roses and just packed in my suitcase - then refrigerated at the hotel. Easy method if you only have a few - pick roses that have a lot of substance and work well with dry wrapping.