Weed Control in the Garden

While I do enjoy working in my gardens, my least favorite job of all is pulling weeds! I do use mulch each season, but that doesn’t seem to deter the weeds - perhaps because my soil is so nice for them to grow in. I have been using Snapshot with some success. Interested in what others use to control weeds and when do you apply it?

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I use Preen pre-emergent at the start of the season. After that it’s a combination hand pulling or using a very targeted spraying of Round Up that will not drift on to the rose foliage. I have been assured by experts that Round Up does not move thru the soil and have never had a problem using it around the roses.

Thanks Cindy. Curious as to when you apply Preen in Georgia? Also I have seen Preen offered with fertilizer in it - which to me doesn’t quite make sense as I apply my pre-emergent before spring pruning when there isn’t any growth on the plants. I am practicing the “Satish” fertilizing approach of understanding what the deficiencies are in my soil and applying accordingly.

I apply the Preen as the last step after my other amendments in March. I used to scratch it in with the other amendments until I realized that it is to be sprinkled across the top of the amended soil as a barrier and not scratched in. I use the type without fertilizer but I do use granular 14-0-7 as one of the amendments. This is based on my soil test that shows I’m too high in K and P.

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There is a short acting Preen and a longer lasting one, the label will tell you how long it lasts. And use the one without fertilizer. I have used the different Preens for years and also Dimension (Dithiopyr) - use around shrubs and perennials but not annuals. Original Preen can be used around established annuals.

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I use Preen also, the kind that you apply every 2 mos or so. I only use it in certain areas of my garden tho, as in other areas I want perennials to reseed.

I hadn’t thought of the impact of perennials reseeding! As I am spending a bit of time on this topic (planning on writing an article for my local rose society newsletter) I realized I put marigold seeds in my front flower bed last year and were disappointed that nothing grew ( I now realize how stupid that was as I had put down snapshot two months earlier).