Worms in the soil

If worms are great for the soil then what should l do about jumping worms? There are soil treatments for controlling jumping worms but do I want to disturb regular earthworms?

In all honesty I had never heard of jumping worms until I read your post. Some cursory reading on the University of Wisconsin site indicates these worms exist in the top layers of soil and on top of soil. It was mentioned that you could just pick them up when you see them and place them in a zippered plastic bag, where they will soon die. I didn’t see any effective chemical treatment suggested. Hope you don’t have too many of these!

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I think I would contact my local extension office. Jumping worms are a real threat.


Hi Chris. Jumping worms are a real problem. I have a powerpoint from a few years ago created by the County Extension office a few years ago. I will send to you. This might be a good topic for an update at a local rose society meeting in 2025!