Last year it was the Spring Refreeze and deer eating the foliage. But THIS year there is a new twist to my garden. It’s the flame-thrower! My boyfriend burns the Bermuda grass lawn every few years, because it enhances the growth and green-up. This year was on the schedule for that.
Now, he certainly was cautious near the rose bed, but the terrain played into the outcome. He built me a 3-terrace rose bed in our very steeply-sloped front yard. Toward the right side, the terraces die into the sloped area, and the rose bed becomes level with the lawn.
If you’ve never burned your lawn, you may not understand that it doesn’t flame up like a dried bush… it mostly smolders and crawls along slowly, hugging the ground. You can’t really SEE flames unless a gust of wind comes along. It takes a while to do a whole yard. Jim uses the (small) flame thrower to help it along.
So, he did this on Tuesday, and didn’t realize it was affecting the rose bushes! Apparently the HEAT from the flames was crawling up the hill, right into four bushes that are closest to the lawn. (Flames never touched the bushes.) He noticed it on Wednesday and told me about it. They didn’t look too bad, actually… the new, small foliage was wilted, but still green for the most part… maybe some orange tinge around the edges.
Today, Thursday, I went out to do yardwork and inspected the 4 bushes. Yikes! 90% of the foliage has turned golden brown, is crinkled, and is hanging straight down. It’s toast. It doesn’t appear that the stems and canes have been damaged, though. Where there are 3-4 inch stems that have had scorched foliage, I can still see some green adjacent to the stem or cane. That seems hopeful! And, on all four bushes, there are other stems that were unaffected (located away from the source of the heat). Photos are below… such as they are!
So… The Questions: What should I do?
-Wait for the dead foliage to drop off, or remove it gently (big task!), hoping new stems will emerge?
-Prune back the stems a bit? Where the foliage is scorched, its all up and down the cane. And again, I don’t think the canes are damaged. May just have to wait and see.
-Dose the bushes up with some 20-20-20 and lots of water, to get things moving again?
-Capture and destroy the flame thrower?
I appreciate any thoughts or info, or ideas any of you have on this issue!