New Roses I got today🌹


I got these rose plants today at Luna Rose Nursery in Cherry Valley, CA.


Nice Selection -I just received Picture Perfect, Ring of Fire, Powerpuff, and Plum Perfect from Edmunds, a Mardi Gras tree rose from JP and Charles Darwin, Lady of Shallot and Bring me Sunshine from David Austin. I love getting packages in the spring!

Posi-Tano, you’re gonna LOVE “Over the Moon” and “Ring of Fire”! I thought I was losing Over the Moon last year, after a hard freeze. But she came back BIG TIME this year. I’m a sucker for the peachy, apricot, pinkish colored roses, and she’s perfect… Actually lasts quite a while in a vase, too, which is one of my top criteria (I don’t exhibit, except in my home…) And Ring of Fire, well… I have TWO of those bushes. And in a small 40-bush garden, I only duplicate the ones that are really worth it! My only other duplicates are Fragrant Cloud and Just Joey (my all-time favorite). So… ENJOY! — Jill

Beautiful rose selections!