Quest for Zest - new for 2024

Continuing the discussion from Favorite Yellow Roses:

I just purchased a new introduction for 2024, “Quest for Zest”, a beautiful yellow rose with lighter outer petals. Very lovely fragrance… citrus and fruity. It was introduced by Weeks; parents: Secret and Julia Child. It is labeled as “very disease resistant” (music to my ears!); no mention of hardiness. I couldn’t find it on Weeks’ website… found my info on Hope its more hardy than Secret, which I lost winter before last.
This plant was a bare root in January 2024. A local nursery pots them up and starts them in their greenhouses, for pick-up end of March. This is what the plant looks like as of April 5! Very strong stems, high-centered form, and lovely full-open blooms. Looks like a good one!




So far mine is spectacular!

Christopher, where did you get your Quest? Do you go to Autumn Hill?

I really like the bloom color!

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Of course, I did :wink: Autumn Hill sells high-quality plants. I try to support them and buy at least 2 roses each year. I also picked up the newish David Austin, Elizabeth.

I bought Soul Sisters, a short-growing shrub, for a particular spot in my garden that needs a short plant. But today, after thinking about her for 2 weeks, I called and bought their last “Mother of Pearl”. Will pick her up after our 7-day RV trip. Do you have MOP?

MOP is a MARVELOUS rose and is exceptional here.

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